07 Jul Room To Improve In Your Garden – Irish Independent Feature
We were delighted to feature alongside other well established firms in the Irish Independent at the end of May in a piece entitled, ‘Room to improve in your garden – Garden rooms, offices or studios can be a handy and economically sound extension to your daily and working lives’ by John Cradden.
A Cost Effective Way To Improve Your Home
John stressed that it isn’t just the versatility of garden buildings that make them so appealing but also the physical separation from the home whether you use it as an office or for brushes and brooms, it’s resourcefulness and adaptability knows no bounds. He also alluded to the fact that garden rooms are a cost-effective alternative to extending your home or doing an attic conversion. In most cases, they don’t require planning permission – you can build anything up to 25 square metres without it, as long as there is 25 square metres left. He rightly pointed out that they only take max two weeks to construct, which means they don’t create anything like the upheaval that would comes with an extension.
The Best Providers Of Garden Buildings in Ireland!
All of us included in John’s article are in the business of providing the best garden rooms, garden sheds, garden cabins, steel sheds or whatever you need to meet your requirements in your garden. Prices vary and reflect the quality provided, be it basic storage sheds or log cabins, right up to a state of the art insulated high quality Garden Room. Whether you want a quiet space to study, relax or maybe teach yourself a bit of Irish to mark the 1916 – 2016 centenary, our seomra agus na seomraí atá le fáil uainn – tá siad go híontach!
The names included in this wonderful informative article included:
- logcabins.ie
- Shomera.ie
- Ecospace.ie
- Ecohouse.ie
- loghouse.ie
- woodpeckerlogcabins.com
- steeltechsheds.ie
- admansteelsheds.ie
- beaverlogcabins.ie
- theshedcompany.ie
And we’re proud to be named alongside these fine brands.
Top Of The Range Garden Rooms
We were chuffed to be honest to be rated number ONE in the top 3 options for Garden Rooms, John described us here in Garden Rooms as ‘top of the range as far as garden rooms, offices or studios go. Timber-framed, panelled and cladded, they are sleek on the outside, plush on the inside, very well insulated and with all the trimmings. In other words, as far away from a shed as it is possible to get.’ Thanks John!
Call us now to book your free site survey +3353 1 8642888 or contact us online!
Click here to read the full article on the Irish Independent.