30 Mar Garden Rooms – The Future of Home Offices in Ireland!
Do you own your own business? Do you work from home? Then a home office designed and installed in your back garden by Garden Rooms might be just what you are looking for. Designed to be both stylish and cost effective, the new Cube range from Garden Rooms presents the perfect alternative to the seemingly never ending commute. What if the only distance you had to travel to work every day was to the end of the garden? With Garden Rooms, that ‘what if’ is now a reality.
Garden Room Home Office
To date, over 60% of the garden rooms constructed are utilised as home offices. People from all professions and walks of life are taking advantage of the numerous benefits of installing a Garden Room office. If you work from home, then you probably sit cramped in at the kitchen table; a balancing act of laptop and paperwork.
If you run your own business, then you could be losing money in leasing or renting office space. Installing a garden room office will not only save you money, but will provide you with a spacious and comfortable environment in which to maximise your work day.
Our garden room home offices are built to your exact specifications, and are designed to meet your individual needs. With Garden Rooms, your home office can be developed and installed in as little as seven to eight weeks.
Home Office Garden Room Example
Let’s take for example a customer of ours; Neil. Neil owned an office on the High Street in Malahide. The cost of overheads and the mortgage became too much, and he decided to invest in a garden room home office. Now, Neil’s morning commute involves stepping out into his back garden and walking 5 metres to his home office. Neil’s GardenRoom is fully functional as a home office, complete with Wi-Fi, heating, and a tea/coffee station! Check out a recent home office success story here.
Get Your Home Office!
We are always available to discuss your future garden room office with you, as too would Neil.
If you are thinking of making the switch to a home office, then make sure you give us a call on +353 1 8642 888 or contact us online!